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Mission Statement

The mission of Mt. San Antonio College is to support and empower all students in achieving their educational goals in an environment of academic excellence. Specifically, the College is committed to providing quality education, services, and workforce training so that students become contributing members of a diverse, sustainable, global society. The College pledges to serve students so that they may achieve their full educational potential for lifelong learning, for attaining associates degrees and certificates, for employment, and for the completion of career and transfer pathways. The College will carry out this commitment by providing an engaging and supportive teaching and learning environment for students of diverse origins, experiences, needs, abilities, and goals. The College is dedicated to serving our community through improving economic achievement, advancing civic engagement, enhancing personal well-being, developing critical thinking, and enriching aesthetic and cultural experiences.

Vision Statement

Mt. San Antonio College strives to be regarded as one of the premier community colleges in the nation. We will be viewed as a leader in community college teaching, programs, and services. We will provide access to quality educational programs and services, focusing on student success within a climate of integrity and respect. We will earn this reputation by consistently exceeding the expectations of our students, our staff, and our community.

Core Values

  • 完整性: We treat each other honestly, ethically, and respectfully in an atmosphere of trust.
  • Equity and Diversity: We value diversity in all aspects of the human condition. We pursue equity by reevaluating how we empower each person to achieve their success.
  • Community Building: We work in responsible partnerships through open communication, caring, and a cooperative spirit.
  • Student Focus: We address the basic human and academic development needs of students and the community both in our planning and in our actions.
  • Social Justice: We serve the whole person by choosing restorative justice over discipline, offering wellness and behavioral support instead of exclusion, and creating an atmosphere of safety and support, not one of apathy.
  • Lifelong Learning: We promote the continuing pursuit of high educational goals through equal access to excellence in both teaching and support services.
  • Positive Spirit: We work harmoniously, show compassion, and take pride in our work.
  • Effective Stewardship: We sustain and improve the institution and environment by efficiently using resources of time, talent, facilities, and funds.
  • Sustainability and Restoration: We collaborate to maintain environmentally conscious practices, and we employ a restorative mindset to prioritize the planning and implementation of activities that improve the environment and make it whole.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on July 8, 2020

College Goals

Goal 1Goal 1: Advance and foster an equitable, diverse, inclusive, just, and anti-racist campus culture that empowers our community to make positive change in society.

Goal 2Goal 2: Further develop, facilitate, and maintain a physically and emotionally safe and accessible campus environment.

Goal 3Goal 3:Develop and expand strategies for an communication about opportunities for students that support retention, persistence, and success.

Goal 4Goal 4:有效协调人力、物力、技术和财力资源,提高学生的可及性、成长和学业成功。

Goal 5Goal 5:Embed environmental, social, and economic sustainability into the work and decision-making processes of all areas of campus.

Goal 6Goal 6:Ensure open and authentic communication and coordination among stakeholders to support achievement of all college goals.


Academic Year Strategic Plan Other Documents
2017-21 2017-21 Strategic Plan Metrics from California Community College Chancellor's Office
Chancellor’s Vision for Success Goals Mapped to College Goals and Indicators
2015-17 2015-17 Strategic Plan 2015-17 Strategic Plan Outcomes
2014-15 2014-15 Strategic Plan
2011-12 2011-12 Strategic Plan
2010-11 2010-11 Strategic Plan 2010-11 Strategic Plan Progress Report Nov. 2011
2009-10 2009-10 Strategic Plan 2009-10 Strategic Plan Final Results
2008-09 2008-09 Goals and Strategic Objectives