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Procuring Accessible Software

Once you determine your needs and research the market, you are ready to determine if the software meetsSection 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973可访问性标准。

  1. 请供应商描述他们的可访问性计划。不要只是接受他们完全可访问的说法,问问他们的产品是如何可访问的。
  2. Search ourVoluntary Product Accessibility Template ( VPAT) Libraryor ask the vendor to provide aVPAT.
  3. Have the vendor complete theMt. SAC Procurement Checklist.
  4. Consider two or there products that meet your needs and purchase the one that is most accessible.

Note: Purchase the most accessible software you can and plan how you will accommodate it. If you cannot accommodate a product in an equally effective way, you cannot require it.

How to read a VPAT.

Used with permission from the High Tech Center Training Unit.