
介绍04 -长描述


组织结构图的流程图显示了结构太囊及其位置的关系和相对的。图表的顶部由理事会:曼努埃尔·巴卡博士,女士罗赞巴德,杰伊·f·陈先生,朱迪Chen-Haggerty女士收。先生,大卫•霍尔博士罗伯特•伊达尔戈劳拉·桑托斯女士和女士伊丽莎白·桑托斯学生受托人。直属董事会William Scroggins博士,总裁兼首席执行官囊。Scroggins博士以下五个报告分支Mt。囊:行政服务、教学、学生服务、人力资源、和总统的办公室。在总统办公室的四个报告身体:行政助理总裁兼首席执行官和董事会,太囊基金会的执行董事,主管营销和沟通,公共事务的主任。行政服务部门副总统领导的行政服务和九的身体直接汇报给副总统:行政助理副总裁临时助理副总裁,首席合规官/大学预算专家,警察局长,首席技术官,风险管理主任,主任SacBookRac书店,主任设施,规划,管理,技术服务。副总统领导的指令分支指令,有14个尸体直接汇报给副总统:行政助理副总裁,副校长,院长,系主任,院长人文和社会科学,运动机能学院长,体育和舞蹈,院长的图书馆和学习资源,自然科学,院长的继续教育学院院长技术和健康,赠款的导演,导演的研究和制度效率,特别项目主任:专业和组织发展,标题V主任格兰特。艺术的副院长报告院长艺术。荣誉项目主任,写作中心主任,副院长人文和社会科学向院长报告人文和社会科学。卓越中心的主任,儿童发展中心主任,副院长业务向院长报告业务。 The Associate Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance report to the Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance. The Director of Heath Careers Resource Center and the Associate Dean of Technology and Health report to the Dean of Technology and Health. The Associate Dean of Natural Sciences report to the Dean of Natural Sciences. The Director of Special Projects, the Director of English Language Learners (ESL), the Director of Education for Older Adults/Adults with Disabilities, the Director of Community Contract Education, the Director of Adult Education, and the two Associate Deans of School of Continuing Education report to the Dean of School of Continuing Education. The Director of Learning Assistance reports to the Dean of Library and Learning Resources. The Student Services branch is led by the Vice President of Student Services and has eight bodies directly reporting to the Vice President: the Executive Assistant to the Vice President, the Dean of Enrollment Management, the Dean of Accessibility Resource Centers for Students, the Dean of Student Services, the Dean of Counseling, the Associate Dean of Student Success and Equity, the Director of Arise Program, the Director of Financial Aid, and the Director of Assessment and Matriculation. The Director of CalWORKs, the Director of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and CARE, and the Director of Student Life report to the Dean of Student Services. The Director of Aspire, the Director of TRIO Programs, the Director of High School Outreach, the Director of Career and Transfer Services, and the Associate Dean of Counseling report to the Dean of Counseling. The Director of Student Health Services and the Director of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services report to the Dean of Accessibility Resource Centers for Students. The Human Resources branch is led by the Vice President of Human Resources and has three bodies directly reporting to the Vice President: the Executive Assistant to the Vice President, the Director of HR Operations and Employee Services, and the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity Programs