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Admissions Forms

Please read and follow instructions carefully as some forms can be submitted online and some forms may require students to verify their Mt. SAC Student Email in order to submit form(s) successfully. Please have your Mt. SAC I.D. number available prior to completing the form as your Mt. SAC student I.D. number is required on most forms.
Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for your request to be processed.
Any questions regarding these forms, or if you are unable to find a form, contact the Admissions and Records office at (909) 274-4415.
Below is a video demonstrating the process of submitting forms online to Admissions.
Instructions to Submit Form
IMPORTANT: You MUST completeBOTHStep 1 and Step 2 in order for your form submission to be processed. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete submission.
Step 1:
1. Select the appropriate form for submission (i.e. application for graduation) and follow all directions for completing the selected form.
2. Once you have completed and electronically signed the form, you will be prompted to enter your Mt. SAC email address ( Be sure to enter your Mt. SAC email address andNOTa personal/work email address.
3. 核实您的电子邮件地址后,您将收到一封来自“fcc - mt。圣安东尼奥学院”。您提交的表格和其他文件(如适用)将附在此电子邮件。
(Please DO NOT REPLY to, if you have any questions, please
Step 2:
4. Once you click the button below, you will fill out all the required information, u pload the form and other documents from the email you received, v erify all information provided, and submit.
(Please Note: You must attach ALL required documents for your request to be processed.)

5. Please click the button below to submit your form.

AB 540 /California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request-如果您想申请免除非居民学费,请使用此表格。

Application for Certificate- To apply for a certificate after completion of a program.

Application for Graduation / Graduation Petition-如果你想申请毕业,请使用这个表格。

Duplicate Certificate Request- If you need a duplicate of your certificate, use this form.

Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Request (AB 13)- This form is for veterans or their dependents to apply to be exempt from paying nonresident tuition fees.

Petition for Exceptional Action- Use this form if you need special consideration因为情有可原的情况。Please note: Extenuating circumstances are situations beyond the control of the student. Documentation is required.

Request for Verification of Enrollment- This form is to verify your enrollment/non-enrollment at Mt. SAC for a third-party.

Request to Change Legal or Mailing Address- Use this form to change your legal or mailing address.

Request to Change Name, Social Security Number, or Birth Date- This form is to change or correct your name, social security number, or birth date.

Residency Reclassification- This is the form you need if you want to change your status from a non-California resident to a California resident. For more information, please visit theResidency Information webpage

Additional Forms

The following forms are located in thestudent portal.下面的表单有不同的提交过程。在线表格上提供了如何提交的说明。

Duplicate Associate Degree Request-使用此表格申请之前获得的学位复印件。

Late Add- This form is to add a class after the add code has expired.

Level Transfer-如果您想转到不同的课程级别(例如,从BIOL1转到BIOL2),请使用此表格。

Reinstatement to Class- If you were enrolled in a class and later dropped (mistakenly by you or professor), use this form to request to be enrolled again in the class.

Section Transfer- Use this form if you want to transfer to a different section of the same course (for example, BIOL1, MW to BIOL1, TTH).

Security Block- If you don't want Mt. SAC to provide your student records to third parties, fill out this request form.

Transcripts Evaluation-如果你想要其他大学的成绩单在Mt. SAC进行课程学分评估,这是你需要的表格。

Links and Resources

Application for Admission- Resident and nonresident students should use this link to apply to Mt. SAC.

Application for International Students-这个链接将引导您到国际学生网站。

College Catalog- Policies, degree requirements, and course descriptions for the academic year.

Transcripts- If you want to request official transcripts, this link will direct you to the Transcripts webpage.