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Eligibility for Classes

Some classes at Mt. San Antonio College have certain requirements a student must meet before they are able to register for that class. These requirements can include prerequisites and corequisites. Below you can find answers to all of the most common questions about class requirements and eligibility. If you're wondering how to register for classes,visit our Registering for Classes page.

What are Prerequisites?

A prerequisite is a course or experience (e.g., a test) that must be completed before you take certain classes. If a class has a prerequisite, it will be noted in the course description in theSchedule of Classesand in theCollege Catalog.All course prerequisites listed must be completed with a grade of "C" or better, unless otherwise stated. If you register for a class without meeting the prerequisite requirements, you may be dropped from the class. If a class has a "basic skills" prerequisite, you must have satisfactory test results on file.

Anadvisory prerequisiteis a course that is not required for enrollment, but is recommended to help you succeed in the course.

What if I took Prerequisite Classes at another school?

If you believe you took classes at another school that will meet a prerequisite requirement, make sure that you have submitted the official transcript from that school to theOffice of Admissions and Recordsbefore you register.这些成绩单将被审查是否与课程相当(来自不同学校的课程被认为与Mt. SAC的先决课程相同或接近)。想知道你的成绩单是否被审核过,以及是否被授予同等课程资格,请联系招生和记录办公室(909)274-4415。如果没有获得同等的课程资格,你可以带一份你的成绩单副本到相应的部门办公室(例如,艺术或商业),并要求重写。

What are Corequisites?

A corequisite is a course that must be taken during the same semester as the course it is listed as a corequisite for. Corequisites are also noted in the course descriptions. For example, if you want to take Class A and you see in the course description that Class B is a corequisite for Class A, that means that you must take Class A and Class B in the same semester - so you must be sure to register for both.

What is Special Approval?

A special approval is an additional approval (override) that is required by the department/program.

What if I have questions about certain prerequisites or corequisites?

As you prepare to register, if you have a question about a prerequisite or corequisite for a course, contact that course's division. For example, if the course is a business course, contact the business division.You can find a list of all of Mt. SAC's divisions here.

Can eligibility for a course expire?

Any required placement test results are valid for two years, and course equivalencies based on previous course-work at other colleges never expire.