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Probation & Dismissal

    • two hands giving a handshakeWelcome

      Your success is our passion! We understand that different factors impact everyone’s lives, and these factors may have affected your experience at Mt. SAC. You may have struggled with personal challenges, financial hardships, health issues, motivation, and other circumstances. These experiences often affect academic performance, and you may be among some of our students who find themselves in this situation.

      We want to offer you every opportunity to be successful and reach your true potential. Being here and learning what to do next is your first step back to Good Standing and accomplishing your academic goals at Mt. SAC!

      Go to the Probation and Dismissal Policy link to learn more about where you stand. You can find your academic standing by looking for your ‘Last Academic Standing’on your transcript. Go to the student tab of your portal to access your unofficial transcript (#18).screenshot from portal

    • stack of booksProbation & Dismissal Policy
      Probation and DismissalThere are two forms of probation: Academic Probation and Progress Probation.
      Academic ProbationA student is placed on Academic Probation when the student has:
      1. attempted at least 12 units, and
      2. earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA)below 2.00.
      Progress ProbationA student is placed on Progress Probation when the student has:
      1. enrolled in a total of at least 12 units, and
      2. the cumulative percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled for which entries of “W”, “I” and “NP” are recorded reaches or exceeds fifty percent.
      在学习或进步试用期间,学生的注册将受到限制,被要求参加规定的咨询干预,并被限制在后续学期最多注册12个单元,冬季或夏季学期最多注册4个单元。(BP 4250, AP 4250)
      Clearing Probation
      1. Academic Probation - The student shall be cleared from Academic Probation when the student’s cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher.
      2. Progress Probation - The student shall be cleared from Progress Probation when the student’s cumulative percentage of units with “W”, “I” and “NP” drops below fifty percent. (BP 4250)
      Probation and Dismissal Status
      1. Probation
        1. Academic Probation - occurs at the end of that first semester in which the student has attempted at least 12 units and has earned a cumulative grade point average below 2.0, or
        2. Progress Probation - occurs at the end of that first semester in which the student has attempted at least 12 units and the cumulative percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled for which entries of “W”, “I” and “NP” are recorded reaches or exceeds fifty percent.
      2. Continued Probation
        1. Continued Academic Probation - occurs when the student in a second consecutive semester continues to have a cumulative grade point average below 2.0, or
        2. Continued Progress Probation - occurs when the student in a second consecutive semester continues to have a cumulative percentage of all units enrolled recorded as “W”, “I” and “NP” at fifty percent or higher.
      3. Dismissaloccurs after three consecutive semesters of Academic or Progress Probation. The student shall be dismissed for at least two semesters. If the student has enrolled in a Winter or Summer term before the Dismissal status has been determined through the posting of the previous semester’s grades, the student shall be dropped from all classes.
      For the purposes of this section, semesters shall be considered consecutive on the basis of the student’s enrollment, so long as the break in the student’s enrollment does not equal two primary terms or more.
      Appeal of DismissalA student who is subject to dismissal may request an appeal of dismissal through the Counseling Department by the stated deadline prior to the beginning of the following semester. If approved, the student shall be required to participate in a prescribed counseling intervention and complete a contract, which shall include the number of units in which the student shall enroll. If the student chooses not to make the request, or the request is denied, the student shall be dismissed for at least two semesters.
      Reinstatement after DismissalA dismissed student may request reinstatement through the Counseling Center after an interval of two semesters. Requests must be madeNO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS BEFORE the beginning of the Fall or Spring semesters only. Requests for reinstatement will not be allowed after the above stated deadline or for Winter and Summer terms. If approved, the reinstated student shall be required to participate in a prescribed counseling intervention and complete a contract for reinstatement, which shall include the number of units in which the student shall enroll.
      A reinstated student shall remain on a probationary, reinstated status until clearance of probation and must see a counselor with anacademic progress reportfor unit clearance prior to every registration period. A reinstated student shall also remain on contract until clearance of probation. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the contracts may result in subsequent dismissal. (BP 4250, AP 4255)
    • official looking documentNewsletter

      Check out ournewsletter here!

    • check listWhat is my next step?
      • If I am on Academic or Progress Probation:
        • Schedule an appointment with a counselor
      • If I am on Continued Academic or Progress Probation:
        • Schedule an appointment with a counselor
      • If I am returning from Academic or Progress Dismissal:
        • Attend an in-person Reinstatement Workshop or a Reinstatement Counseling appointment by February 25, 2022
        • Call the Counseling Center to schedule your workshop or appointment
        • Your registration date will be restored after you complete the workshop or appointment
    • lined paperMore Information
      Here are some helpful handouts that you can save and/or print out:

      How to return after Probation

      How to return after Continued Probation

      How to return after Dismissal