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Counseling Department Mission Statement

The Counseling Department provides essential academic, career, and personal counseling services to a diverse and changing student population. We are committed to meeting the needs of students while serving the broader campus community in an innovative and equitable manner.

To serve our diverse student population equitably, the Counseling Department at Mt. SAC commits to:

  • Caring by creating an inclusive, equitable, culturally competent and supportive environment where students and employees model behavior that enriches our department, college campus and community.
  • Using qualitative and quantitative data to reconstruct and redesign the department by implementing equity-minded approaches when working with individuals.
  • Developing curriculum that is student-centered; affirming and valuing all diversity including race, culture, gender, ability, and learning styles and promoting an inclusive learning community for all.
  • Lifelong learning and professional development to understand the unique challenges and systemic barriers faced by individual students and by diverse populations of students in order to provide responsive interventions and support to help them overcome those barriers.
  • Promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in the College’s structures and policies.

different size and abled people trying to ride the same sized bikeEquality is evenly distributed tools and assistance

different sized and abled people riding bikes that fit themEquity is custom tools that identify and address inequality