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Mt. SAC COVID-19 Information

Mt. San Antonio College strictly follows public health guidelines and has stepped up safety protocols, including increased cleaning and air filtration.


Student Requirements, smiling graduate

Student Safety Requirements

Read about the vaccination recommendation, testing information, safety guidelines and more!Learn more→

employee requirements, teacher leading students

Employee Safety Requirements

探索员工政策,程序,安全指南,测试信息和更多。Learn more→

dashboard icon, COVID-19 testing nurses

COVID-19 Dashboard

Look up data related to positive cases on campus and testing results.Learn more→

alerts and notices icon, COVID-19 signage

Alerts and Notices

查看过去发送到校园的通知和健康警报。Learn more→

Quick Links

COVID-19 Testing

Free COVID-19 tests are available to students and employees. Use your Cleared4 account to make an appointment and track results. See testing times and locations underStudent RequirementsandEmployee Requirements.

Cleared4 Account Claim

Report COVID-19 Symptoms or Exposure

Use our Health Check Forms to report symptoms and exposure. This triggers campus responses, including contact tracing.

Student Health Check

Employee Health Check

Visitor Screening

Visitors to campus must complete a Health Screening BEFORE coming to campus.

Visitor Screening