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What is the CVC?

加州虚拟校园(CVC)(前身为在线教育倡议- OEI)是加州社区学院(CCCs)的合作项目,旨在通过增加高质量在线课程的获取和成功机会,确保更多学生能够完成他们的教育目标。CVC is a digital resource that provides easy access for students to enroll in fully online courses across all 115 brick-and-mortar California Community Colleges (please note, this toolexcludesCCC系统的全在线学院,Calbright)。它包括一个全面的在线项目和课程目录,以帮助学生实现他们的教育目标。

What is the CVC Exchange?

TheCVC Exchange Instant-Enrollmentis a system by which students at participating colleges can take fully online courses at another college without completing multiple admissions applications.

  • A student must be enrolled in aHome Collegeto participate.Mt. SAC is a家大学!
  • Courses at aTeaching Collegeare available forcross-enrollment.Mt. SAC launches as aTeaching Collegein January 2022!

Learn More about the CVC Exchange

Home College- College from which students enter the CVC Exchange to take courses through other colleges.

Teaching College- College that offers courses via the CVC Exchange to students from other participating colleges.

CVC Exchange - Faculty FAQs

    • 我如何参加CVC交易所?

      As a professor at Mt. SAC, your fully online course will automatically be made available through the Exchange for cross-enrollment (enrollment between two colleges).


    • As a faculty member, are there any benefits to participating in the CVC Exchange?

      There is the potential for higher enrollment into your courses, meaning fewer chances that courses are cancelled. Students should also be able to earn certificates and degrees faster.

      Mt. SAC’s unique scheduling (Winter intersession/later Spring start than many colleges) may enable us to pick up students who need to start classes outside the usual enrollment dates.

    • 交换学生如何注册我的班级?

      Upon signing, students identify their Home College and search for classes sorted by category (CSU, IGETC, or topic). Available courses are displayed to them in the following order:

        1. Available Home College courses first
          • Any Home College courses that areQuality Reviewed/Aligned to the CVC Rubricappear at the top of this list.
        2. Available Teaching College courses second
          • Any Teaching College courses that areQuality Reviewed/Aligned to the CVC Rubricappear at the top of this list.
        3. Any other available courses offered through other CCCs participating in the Course Finder.

      The student selects the desired course for enrollment.

        1. Classes markedAdd Classare eligible for instant enrollment.
        2. Classes markedApply Now不符合立即注册的资格,但学生仍然可以通过填写申请通过CCC Apply注册。
        3. 一门课程是否符合即时注册的条件,取决于学生是否在家庭学院注册,并在教学学院注册课程。
    • How will being in the Exchange impact how I teach my fully online courses?

      一般来说,你不需要改变在线课程的教学方式。Exchange students will have access to the same information andonlineresources within your course as Mt. SAC students. You will submit your grades at the end of the term into the Mt. SAC portal as usual.


      Will I need to maintain a different Canvas course for exchange students?

      No. Any classes students take via the CVC Exchange will all appear in a combined Canvas dashboard. Students will log into Canvas using their Home College credentials and all of their Exchange courses will be there.

      完成后,您的课程将自动显示在学生成绩单上。Mt. SAC获得FTEs证书,但该课程可以计入学生通过其家庭学院获得的证书或学位。

    • Will Exchange students be identified in my class?

      They are. All students will receive a email, but you can communicate with them more easily through Canvas Inbox.

    • Could an Exchange student prevent a Mt. SAC student from enrolling in a class?

      Unlikely. Updated AP 5055 identifies the CVC Exchange students as Category 8 priority. Other Mt. SAC students enroll before Category 8 (except Category 9 - continuing and returning students not in good academic standing). Instant enrollment is only available during the Teaching College’s open registration period. If your course fills, however, late add Mt. SAC students may have restricted access.

    • Can students get a degree through the CVC Exchange without being affiliated with a Home college?

      No. Students must identify a Home college before they can use Instant Enrollment. Each semester, they must be enrolled in at least one course in their Home College, and cannot enroll in more than two courses through other Teaching colleges.

    • 如果参加此次交流活动,SAC的讲师们的学生是否会被其他学院抢走?

      Any student has been eligible to enroll and attend online classes anywhere up to this point via As a Home College, Mt. SAC students have had the opportunity to use the Exchange since its inception. Mt. SAC will be the 17th所以我们在招生方面有优势。

    • I have a student from the CVC Exchange who requires special accommodations. Where do I direct them?

      Students may have received accommodations through their Home College, but these do not transfer to the Teaching College. Students will need to request accommodations through the Teaching College, that is, Mt. SAC’s ACCESS department. Students are informed of this when they enroll. See below for more information about ACCESS at Mt. SAC.

      Mt. SAC ACCESS

CVC Course Design Rubric - Faculty FAQs

CVC-OEI课程设计准则(CDR)建立了与课程设计、互动与协作、评估、学习者支持和无障碍无障碍相关的标准和最佳实践,以确保提供高质量的学习环境,促进学生的成功,并符合现有的规定。A faculty’s course that has been aligned with the Course Design Rubric is designated “Quality Reviewed."

    • Is it necessary for me to align my course with the CDR in order to show in the CVC Exchange Instant-Enrollment?


    • 将我的课程与课程设计原则对齐有什么好处?

      The CDR helps students. Faculty report greater confidence in their online teaching and better student surveys in their course.

      Until June 2022, faculty who align their courses to the CDR will have the opportunity to earn a grant-funded stipend. This grant also includes an accessibility specialist who can help with accessibility issues.

    • How long does it take to align my course to the CDR?

      The time it takes to align a course depends on its initial state, i.e., is it following accessibility guidelines thoroughly? Is its navigation intuitive and student-centered? Does it offer detailed instructions and grading guidelines? In general, expect to spend a few months on taking care of all the details.

    • How does the alignment process work?

      Mt. SAC has a local Peer Online Course Review team (POCR), who have all completed a 40-hour training. If you decide to align your course:

        1. Contact the POCR Lead, Carol Impara ( to indicate your interest.
        2. 您将被指派一名首席审稿人/导师,为您提供一个沙盒来完成您的课程,并注册POCR资源来帮助您。
          1. At this time, the CDR is only for fully online, asynchronous courses.
          2. Alignment is never done on a live course.
        3. Your lead reviewer will work with you to bring your course up to rubric standards. It will then be sent to peer review for a second set of eyes. Finally, it will go through a thorough accessibility check.
          1. Be prepared to make changes! This does not mean your course was bad, it just means we have suggestions to make it better!
          2. 要灵活主动。
        4. After Mt. SAC's POCR team evaluates the course, it is sent to CVC for a final review.
        5. CVC指示课程是否对齐,并分配质量评审徽章。
        6. Congratulations! You're done!
    • Who can I contact to learn more?

      Contact Mt. SAC’s Distance Learning Faculty Coordinator, Carol Impara

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