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Tips for SuccessStudent Success

Online learning may offer great flexibility when it comes to attending school and taking care of home life. The possibility of completing a degree program at home will be rewarding and exciting to some, but discouraging and complicated to others.

Because learning at a distance can be quite challenging and many of the benefits of a traditional classroom will not be available, it is very important that students develop consistent habits in order to be successful.

Here Are Some DO's & DONT's for Online Learners

  • Doassess your educational and career goals before starting an online learning program.
  • Do准备好投入时间——每周每门课4到15个小时不等。对于3个单元的课程,你每周至少要花9个小时在与课程相关的任务上。
  • Dofind a quiet and secluded area (of your house, apartment) to use as a place to study and complete your coursework so that you don't get interrupted or distracted.
  • Dofamiliarize yourself with the course syllabus and content, even before you register, to be sure you are ready to master the content online.
  • DoknowThe Rules of Good Netiquette, especially as it relates to email.
  • Dodevelop good online learning habits, such as thinking about your online class every day and checking your email at least once a day, more often if you are working on a group project.
  • Doplan on using or developing good time-management skills to enable you to balance course work with your other responsibilities and obligations.
  • Dorespect therules of academic honesty and integrity.
  • Do上网时间过长要休息一下;give your eyes a chance to rest.
  • Doremember that email is your primary form of communication, therefore you must be clear and detailed with the information you are sending.
  • Don't被远程教育的行话和术语吓倒。Use thisDistance Learning Education GlossaryfromThe eLearning Coachto get a handle on all the key terms.
  • Don'tthink you can be anonymous in a distance-learning course; in fact, do expect more interaction with your professor and your classmates than in traditional university settings.
  • Don'tbe afraid to ask for help if you are having problems with the technology or with the course.
  • Don’ttake the courses lightly because they are only online learning courses. Distance education courses can be just as rigorous, if not more so, as traditional classroom courses.
  • Don'texpect to be a passive learner; you must be self-directed and self-motivated to succeed. Do assume your share of the responsibility for learning the course material.
  • Don'tprocrastinate. Procrastination may be the one deadly sin of online learning. Do set goals and deadlines, and do try and stay current with your readings and class projects.
  • Don'tget discouraged if distance learning doesn’t work for you; distance education is not suited for everyone; however, do look into other educational opportunities to achieve your goals.
  • Don't如果你没有时间参加传统课程,试着“挤出时间”参加远程学习课程。远程学习课程需要与传统课程相同(或更多)的时间。