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Distance LearningWhat is Distance Learning?

Distance Learning (sometimes referred to as "DL") is another name for taking classes online.

Traditional classes may often provide information online, but to be a "distance learning" class, some time that would be spent in the classroom is traded for time spent online. DL classes offer flexibility for students, who can complete the class from anywhere, but students are expected to complete work according to the syllabus and to interact with professors and other students. Mt. SAC offersOnlineclasses that are conducted 100% online (no on-campus requirement), andHybridclasses that require both online and on-campus time. Read about both types of DL classes below, and find out if DL is right for you.

"Great, so what's the difference between online and hybrid classes?"
  • Online Classes

    Key things that make Online Classes unique:

    • delivered entirely via the Internet
    • no required meetings on campus
    • may require exams be taken on campus. **Check with your professor for clarification
    • exams are usually available for a range of time, such as a week or more
    • it isthe student's responsibilityto check with the instructor about scheduled on-campus exams for each online class
  • Hybrid Classes

    Similar to Online Classes, but different in that:

    • deliveredmostly or partlyvia the Internet
    • one or morerequiredmeetings on campus
    • required on-campus meetings may be spread throughout the class
    • hybrid classes typically include a combination of on-campus and online requirements to pass the class
    • ask the professor for information about campus meeting times and requirements to make sure you can complete the class successfully

When searching for classes how can I tell if a class is Online?

  • Well that depends on if you're using theBasic Online SearchorExtended Online Search. Don't worry, the graphics to the right illustrate how to tell if a class is Online when using both methods. Simply click on the image for a larger version!

    • Check Online Class Basic SearchBasic Search

    • Online SearchExtended Search

Okay, and what about Hybrid?

  • Once again that depends on if you're using theBasic Online SearchorExtended Online Search. The graphics to the right illustrate how to tell if a class is Hybrid when using both methods. Simply click on the image for a larger version!

    • Check Hybrid Class Basic SearchBasic Search

    • Hybrid SearchExtended Search

Seems simple enough, anything else I should know?

We are glad you asked:

Online and Hybrid classes areNOTdesigned to be easier!

AlertIn fact, many people who have taken Distance Learning classes would argue they are more difficult! DL classes are designed with the same content and academic rigor as regular classes; the only difference is the delivery method.

Students succeed in DL classes when they manage their time well, log into DL classes regularly, submit completed work on time, and meet class expectations. Communicating with the professor in a timely manner when there are questions or problems is also critical to student success.

Checkout ourOnline Readiness Assessment看看远程学习课程是否适合你。

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