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DL Amendment Form

In order to make your course DL-ready, you must complete the DL amendment form process. After submitting your DL Amendment form, the DLC (Distance Learning Committee) will review and approve the form before sending it to EDC.

Submit the form via a Word document/Smartsheet process. Please submit your form as a Word document.

    • 1Step 1 - Download and complete DL Amendment Form
      To complete the DL Amendment form follow the 5 easy steps below!
      1. Download the most updatedDL Amendment formwhich includes the new template language.
      2. 完成封面页,注明课程名称、单位、教师开发人员、部门批准、新/修订等。If your course is FOMA, you expect it willnotbe offered during a normal semester.
      3. Review表1 DL课程组成及授课方式。This form was recently revised by the Distance Learning Committee (DLC) and contains common delivery methods appropriate for online courses and uses language to support regular and effective contact. You may use any of the modes from theTable 1template which closely match the methods used in the course. You may also add methods unique to the courses in the highlighted area at the end of the table. Ex. LAB for laboratory courses if appropriate, FT for field trips, etc.
      4. Go to WebCMS and view themost updated version的课程。Use the topical outline from the course to designTable 2. DL Course Weekly Schedule of Activities.
      5. Create the DL Course Weekly Schedule using the topical outline from WebCMS and the methods from Table 1. Topics MUST match exactly!
      • WEEK 1 and WEEK 16 have been completed for you.
      • For WEEKS 2 - 15, enter the topical outline in column 2.
      • In Column 3, enter a brief description of pedagogy used in the traditional course.
      • In Column 4, design the DL course using the methods from Table 1.
      • Include the estimated time for each method in Column 5. Note that hours must be appropriate for the number of units, e.g. 1 unit = 3 hours, so a 3-unit course will average about 9 hours/wk, a 4-unit course, 12 hours/wk, etc.

      Contact the DL Faculty Coordinator: Carol Impara, 909-274-6369, or at

    • 2Step 2 - Submit DL Amendment Form
      Step 2 - Submit DL Amendment Form

      Click here to submit your DL Amendment Form Online!

    • 3Step 3 - Reviewed at DLC and final approval made by Educational Design Committee (EDC)
      Step 3 -Reviewed at DLC and final approval made by Educational Design Committee (EDC)
      Need help or have questions?

      Contact the DL Faculty Coordinator: Carol Impara, 909-274-6369, or

We are not submitting DL Amendment forms through WebCMS any longer.

If you have more questions about the DL course amendment process, SPOT, or the additional requirements to teach an online or hybrid course at Mt. SAC, or other questions related to Distance Learning, feel free to contact your Distance Learning Faculty Coordinators:

Name Phone Office Email
Carol Impara (909) 274-6369 6-262
Catherine McKee (909) 274-6112 6-262

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