
Financial Aid: Frequently Asked Questions

DownloadCOVID-19 FAQs

    • What happens if I drop one class or if I drop ALL my classes?

      Generally speaking, as long as you have already received your financial aid disbursement(s), and continue to remain enrolled in at least 1 course, then your financial aid will not be negatively affected by dropping some (but not all) courses at this time in the semester. If you do decide to drop/withdraw from all of your courses then you may be subject to a withdrawal process and may have to pay back a portion of your financial aid. For further information regarding this withdrawal process please visit the following:Return of Title IV Funds Policy.

      就你未来学期的资格而言,你的退学可能会影响你的继续资格。According to our currentSatisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)政策,当评估学生的SAP状态时,所有尝试的单元都被计算在内;注意,这将包括合理提款。因此,如果因为放弃课程而导致你的结业率低于67%的要求,那么你的继续经济援助资格可能会受到负面影响。

      Please keep an eye on your student e-mail and portal so that you remain up to date about your SAP status.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION for Federal Aid Recipients:


      NOTE:The CARES Act waives some requirements for students who withdraw because of a COVID-19 national emergency to have to pay back funds for courses they dropped. It also allows schools to not count dropped courses against a student who was unable to complete the class as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.

      ACTION Required: If you are dropping from a course as a result of COVID-19, please provide a written email explaining why the withdrawal was the result of the COVID-19 emergency.

      Allowable circumstances for the attestation include, but are not limited to:

      • Illness of the student or family member;
      • Need to become a caregiver or first responder;
      • Loss of childcare; Economic hardship;
      • 由于设施关闭,无法使用wi-fi;or
      • An increase in work hours as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.

      Please email your withdrawal explanation tofinancialaid@mtsac.edu从您的Mt. SAC电子邮件帐户,并包括您的全名和A#。

      If you have any questions or need assistance, please email the Financial Aid Office,或于星期一至五上午八时至下午四时三十分致电(909)274-4450。

      For additional information on general financial aid eligibility and requirements, please link on the following links:



    • What is “Freeze Date” or “Census Date”?

      As mentioned in the Freeze Date Information message emailed to students before the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms, “Mt San Antonio College establishes a “freeze date” each semester to determine a student’s enrollment status for disbursing federal and state financial aid.” What this means is that we look at a student's enrollment status (unit total) as of the Census Date (or "Freeze Date") and then base financial aid amounts at that specific time.

      所有学生都被鼓励在普查日期(“冻结日期”)之前完成他们的注册(增加和取消课程)。在普查日期(或“冻结日期”)之后增加或取消课程的学生,其助学金将不会根据取消或增加的课程进行调整。The only exception is if a student was unable to add a course due to no fault of their own.

      Please refer to your Schedule/Receipt in order to review the Census Date (“Freeze Date”). The Census Date (“Freeze Date”) is referred to as the “Last Day to Drop Without a W” in the Schedule/Receipt.

    • Will I get reimbursed for my classes or parking permit?

      The College resource on Reimbursements can be found here://

      Enrollment fees will be reimbursed to students if they withdraw from the class or the College cancels the class AND only if the student paid for the enrollment fees out of pocket; if they received a CCPG (fee waiver) they will not receive a reimbursement. Refunds will automatically be processed regardless of the selection of withdrawal codes. Learn more about refunds from the Cashier’s Office website. Refunds are offered in a number of formats, including through a Bank Mobile Vibe account.

    • My financial situation is very different now compared to what was captured on my financial aid application. Can you re-evaluate my financial aid eligibility?
    • How do I know what financial aid I am eligible to receive?

      We recommend all students to review your Financial Aid Offer through the Mt. SAC Student Portal. Our webpage has instructions on how to navigate your portal to find your Aid Offer information:Award Status.

      This should help you understand whether you qualify for enough financial aid to actually produce a refund. Please note, students who are only receiving the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) will not have a refund because that type of financial aid is strictly paying for course enrollment fees (tuition). Otherwise, make sure to see if you have any new pending financial aid requirements. Once again, you can find this in your Student Portal under the "Financial Aid" section. Simply go to “Financial Aid” (located on the black navigation bar), and then scroll down till you see the "Financial Aid Requirements” box (there are flag icons). If there are any red flags you will want to make sure to resolve these.

    • Why hasn’t my financial aid disbursed to me yet?

      For general guidance on navigating the Mt. SAC Student Portal in order to view your Financial Aid Offer and possible unmet requirements, we encourage you to look at this resource:Award Status.

      学生也被鼓励通过Mt. SAC学生门户网站的“学生”选项卡(学生自助服务部分)下的第27号(报表和支付历史)检查他们的学生账户活动,因为这将显示你,按日期,何时资金发布在你的账户上,何时出纳办公室产生退款。如果您没有看到任何财务援助资金已发布在您的帐户,那么可能发生以下一种或多种情况:

      - You have dropped or withdrawn from all of your classes

      - You are not meeting Satisfactory Academic progress requirements

      - You have pending financial aid (red flag) requirements

      We recommend frequently checking your Mountie Mail, Mt. SAC student Portal and/or connecting with our Financial Aid Office.

    • What delays disbursements of financial aid funds?

      The following may be reasons why a student's funds may not be available:

      -Having holds
      -Not submitting and/or correctly completing required documents
      -Not being enrolled
      -Not making Satisfactory Academic Progress towards a degree or certificate
      -Being in default on a student loan or owing a repayment to any Title IV financial aid program
      -Not having an eligible program of study

    • My financial aid money was disbursed but my account has a negative balance: Why do I owe?

      A negative number is a good thing! This basically means that financial aid money was disbursed (paid out) and that you are now due a refund.

      If you see a negative balance funds have been authorized and scheduled to be transferred to the BankMobile system to be distributed to all students according to their refund selection as set up through BankMobile in the Mt. SAC Student Portal. This process may take 5 to 10 days depending on the refund selection.

      Students are also encouraged to also check their student account activity through Number #27 Statement and Payment History in their Mt. SAC Student Portal as this will show you, by date, when funding posted on your account and when the Cashier's Office has generated a refund. If you have further questions on the refund, please contact our Cashiers Office.

    • My disbursement schedule or Mt. SAC portal says I should have already received my Cal Grant, why haven’t I received it?

      你的加州大学助学金没有发放有几个原因。We encourage students to reach out to the Financial Aid Office by phone at (909) 274-4450 or by emailfinancialaid@mtsac.edufor more information.

    • What are Cal Grant C eligibility requirements and why don’t I see the award on my offer letter?

      If you are seeing that the Cal Grant C award no longer shows up - then that means you were reviewed recently for eligibility and it was determined that you no longer qualify for this particular financial aid program.

      Common reasons for a student not to qualify for Cal Grant are the following

      -Enrollment in less than 6 units
      -Enrollment in a major/program of student that does not meet Cal Grant C eligibility requirements

    • What are the financial aid application deadlines?
      Please visit ourwebpagefor a comprehensive list of the financial aid applicationdeadlines用于佩尔助学金、加州助学金、CCPG(费用减免)、直接贷款和联邦工作研究等项目。
    • 我如何获得上年度纳税申报表的税单?

      必须提交纳税记录的学生和/或家长必须完成4506-T电子表格,他可以通过ProVerifier+系统访问。一旦电子文件完成,Mt. SAC就可以直接从IRS收到所要求的税务信息。


      You can request your Tax Transcript to either be mailed to you or you can print your Tax Transcript online by visiting

    • 我有一个危险信号,要求我提交国税局的税单,但我没有提交纳税申报单,我该怎么办?
      When completing the required verification worksheet (additional red flag), in the section titled "Income Tax Information", mark the appropriate box for non-tax filers. Once this worksheet is received by the Financial Aid Office, the flag asking for an IRS tax transcript will be updated to reflect your tax-filing status.
    • How do I apply for financial aid?

      To apply for financial aid, students must complete one of two financial aid applications: theFree Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)or theCalifornia Dream Act Application (CADAA). Students interested in the California College Promise Grant (Fee Waiver) are encouraged to apply by submitting either a FAFSA or CADAA to be considered for all available financial aid.

      填写和提交FAFSA或CADAA是免费的,你不应该付钱给任何人或任何网站为你准备它!Mt. SAC的财政援助办公室像大多数大学一样,为学生和社区提供免费帮助,帮助他们完成FAFSA或CADAA。Visit a college’s Financial Aid Office to get moreinformation.

    • Who can help me with questions about the application?


      TheMt. SAC Financial Aid Outreach Unit与校园和当地社区合作,为学生及其家庭带来有关经济援助的信息。我们的专家人员提供支持,以帮助使财务援助过程清晰易懂。Please visit our webpage to findVideo Tutorialsand other resources to help you navigate your financial aid.

    • 我如何更正我的经济资助申请?
    • What is a SAR? How can I get a copy?
      The Student Aid Report (SAR) is a paper or electronic document that gives you some basic information about your eligibility for federal student aid and lists your answers to the questions on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). To request a duplicate SAR, call: 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243); TTY Assistance at 1-800-730-8913.
    • Do I have to fill out a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application every year to get financial aid?

      Yes, all financial aid programs, require the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or CA Dream Act Application (CADAA). Students who only want to apply for a fee waiver, can fill out a simpler form, but we recommend that such students also fill out a FAFSA or CADAA to apply for other aid.


    • When should I file my FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application?
    • Mt. SAC的“学校代码”是什么?
      The Mt. SAC school code is: 00124500
    • I’ve filed my FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application for the current school year, what happens next?

      We recommend that you check your Mt. SAC Financial Aid Student Portal to review your financial aid requirements and status. For general guidance on navigating the Mt. SAC Student Portal in order to view your Financial Aid Offer we encourage you to look at the following resources:


      For further information about what to expect next we encourage you to view the following recorded financial aid video tutorial:


    • FAFSA或CA梦想法案申请是我申请经济援助必须填写的唯一申请吗?
    • 为了获得经济援助,我还需要填写其他表格吗?

      FAFSA或CADAA是您在Mt. SAC申请联邦和/或州财政援助所需的唯一申请。一旦您的FAFSA或CADAA被处理,您可能会被要求向Mt. SAC金融援助办公室提交一些额外的表格和/或文件。这些表格和/或文件是填写您的档案所需要的。社区学院的学生可以在3月2日或9月2日之前申请加州大学助学金竞争奖。对于国家授予,需要填写GPA核实表。由于9月份的奖学金数量有限,所以最好在3月2日截止日期之前准备好你的FAFSA和GPA验证表。To access a GPA Verification Form visit theCalifornia Student Aid Commission Website.

    • If I am enrolled at two colleges, can I receive aid at both colleges?
      不同院校的学生可能不会获得相同类型的资助。你需要确保你选择的学校将获得以下类型的经济援助:佩尔助学金,联邦贷款,加州助学金。通过向Mt. SAC发送您的申请,我们将自动考虑您的联邦和州财政援助选项,包括加州大学承诺助学金(CCPG或费用减免)。这种类型的经济援助支付你的课程注册费用,并且有可能在同一学期在两所学校接受CCPG。
    • 在申请经济资助前,我必须被录取吗?我必须在接受资助前被录取吗?
      You may apply for financial aid at the same time you apply for admission. Many colleges require that you be admitted before they offer aid. However, you must actually enroll in college to receive any funds.
    • What is the income cut-off to qualify for financial aid?

      Financial Aid is available to students and their families who need assistance paying for education beyond high school. Some loans and scholarships are available regardless of "need".

      For more information about your specific financial aid eligibility please connect with the Financial Aid Office.

    • What if I don’t have a Social Security number or I don’t want to report it on my financial aid application?

      It is necessary to provide your Social Security number on the FAFSA. If you do not yet have a number, you should contact your Social Security Administration office to obtain one. It is required before you can be considered for any Federal student aid program. The FAFSA will be returned unprocessed if the student's Social Security number is blank.

      For CA Dram Act Applicants, a Social Security number is not required to successfully complete and submit the application. However, if you are a CA Dream Act Applicant and have a Social Security number, you should provide it on your application.

    • What if my parent(s) do not have a Social Security number?
      你父母的公民身份不影响你申请联邦学生资助的资格。事实上,FAFSA的表格甚至没有询问你父母的状况。你的父母不需要ssn。如果你的父母没有ssn,当FAFSA表格要求你父母的ssn时,他们必须输入000-00-0000。如果你的父母没有ssn,他们将无法创建FSA id,因此将无法以电子方式签署你的FAFSA表格。你必须打印出FAFSA在线表格的签名页,这样你的父母就可以签名并邮寄到指定的地址。
    • I plan to attend college half-time, will that lessen my chance of financial aid?

      Students don’t necessarily have to be enrolled full-time to receive Pell Grant; many students receive Pell Grant who are less than full-time (taking less than 12 units). The largest contributing factor that affects whether a less than full-time student will receive Pell Grant is their expected family contribution (EFC) score. Financial aid eligibility is based on each individual student's application.

      For more information about your specific financial aid eligibility please connect with the Financial Aid Office.

    • My neighbor and I both applied for financial aid at the same college. Why did she get more aid than I did when they’ve got a bigger house than ours and their parents make more money than mine?
      The circumstances in your neighbor's family may be different than they appear, and home equity is not used to determine eligibility for financial aid. What doesn't necessarily show are other factors, such as family size or number in college, which may affect the computation of the family contribution.
    • 如果我故意提供不准确的信息而被抓了怎么办?
      如果您使用FAFSA或CADAA申请学生经济援助资金并提供虚假信息,您将根据美国刑法被处以罚款和/或监禁。State and local laws may also apply in such cases.
    • I don’t feel it is the college’s right to request my tax forms. What happens if I don’t submit them?
      If you fail to comply with a request for tax forms, the college will not be able to complete and process your financial aid file. Consequently, you may not receive all the aid that you may qualify for.