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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16R:H/ OcC&>x  dPinedo, Irene - Personal View`TCMinutes18~ Z InformationStatusAction Course IDTitleAdded to core electives: ANTH 30, POLI 35, and PSYC 5 List A, Area 1: HIST 10H, 11H; Area 2: THTR 9; Area 3: PSYC 1A, 1AH; Area 5: AHIS 11, 11H, ANTH 30, Hist 30, 31, 35, LIT 20, 25, PHIL 8, POLI 25, 35, PSYC 5, 25, SOC 36, SPAN 1S, 2S, 1, 2, 3, & 4.ApprovedModSocial Justice Studies AA-T No changes.5-yrA0444Dance AA the Agri-Technology AS; Required Courses From: AGAG 1,91, AGAN 1, AGOR 1, 32, 56, 71 TO: AGAG 1 ,AGOR 1, 2, 50, 51, ASCI 1, 2, 2L; Electives: Select 3 remove AGPE 70, 71. added Weld 40, Agor 53, 71, 13, 39, ASCI 51, AGOR 32. FROM: 30-31 TO 39.5-40.5 uni&Agricultural Science and Technology ASAdded to Required Core: ESL VSPK; ESL VWRT; VOC CS41. Deleted from Required Core: VOC CS11; ESL LANG2. Added to Recommended Electives: ESL LANG2; ESL 72; ESL 90: VOC CS11; BS LRN50.VESL Career PathsVMod program description. Added rec elective: ESL READ. Removed rec elective: ESL LANG2ESL - Beginning LevelsAdded to Recommended Electives: ESL READB; ESL PRONB; ESL 70 Deleted from Recommended Electives: ESL LANG2; ESL 21SESL - Intermediate Level}Added to Recommended Electives: ESL READC; ESL PRONC; ESL 72; ESL 80. Deleted from Recommended Electives: ESL LANG2; ESL 21S.ESL - Advanced LevelNewBig Data Analytics for Business(Artificial Intellingence for Business AS ESL PRONAESL - Pronunciation APMirrored at the request of credit faculty. Credit certificate approved 3/2/2021.+Computer Networking Technology Fundamentals ESL PRONBESL - Pronunciation BForensics Coaching*Mirrored at the request of credit faculty.6Computer Networking Technology Industry CertificationsQMirrored at the request of credit faculty. Credit certificate approved 3/16/2021. Electronics Technology - Level 2PMirrored at the request of credit faculty. Credit certificate approved 3/9/2021. Electronics Technology - Level 1 ESL READCESL - Reading C ESL READBESL - Reading B ESL READAESL - Reading A ESL PRONCESL - Pronunciation CApproved on Consent AgendaPHIL 15HMajor World Religions - HonorsDNCE 11BSocial Dance Forms IIANIM 108Principles of AnimationAGOR 13Landscape DesignAGOR 50Soil Science and ManagementAGOR 51*Tractor and Landscape Equipment OperationsAGOR 73,Landscaping Laws, Contracting and EstimatingSOC 14Marriage and the FamilySOC 14H Marriage and the Family - HonorsSOC 36Asian American CommunitiesANIM 115 StoryboardingADJU 5Community RelationsADJU 6 Concepts of Enforcement ServicesAGOR 72 Landscape Hardscape Applications"Accurately reflects credit AGOR 51 VOC AGR51ARTD 19AFigure PaintingDNCE 12AModern IMFG 130%Manufacturing Processes and MaterialsPHIL 15Major World ReligionsMirroring credit course MFG 130 VOC MF130AGOR 14Advanced Landscape Designb* 0,OY.x 0+"1A2%3D3q4 4 5 =6\ ccA PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vitheme/theme/theme1.xmlY[F~/?;I|ͶMBq[if%yKևRh/1 m#zf$38{a)ii3ߜst:8M|:81M_(#bt7v?:!1AM7bS, #~p &,dZ'FX)bH:1Ʉ3.ݥXp90@ƆŽCѦ ?Cpԟ[ܽ^D;[l52QE͙LI=V_jFҔo7]?j[V^_+PWo=Vx^R|Z]f($>@Y6LݳׯU2+TC^]r ŶZ#  ;b14* Ji7C10\*?O4k !ᣄDק^>g?gs+Wݻϝ?݋ө\ǿ鋷>U(|o_XtÇ$ܹO{,Zb'Bx{ f$26# LXfF1f5\Zxj<{Hpo>y%64R 41Ǝ0!!F\(aM8mD!CVF{$,l!Fl8mFmc CL0Ds"!}$B")16; WK-P{"2 G61eGE3v@P~Ds w<"E3X^g%i{d&Dm9(!hjeW¢aaQ`ɁV=0#xBeT/yL`UեvL$r3IȨC4Yuиhd(|PZ+X\6` 4֕I >͚0ApEt /F"Io(,ᢋx\N8q(\~+ Q\dC#I7'<zڵ> Ue~ydsH 8tCPb~,8&^h ̅lUk)]tYy WRQgy lP-$Y#<yH9lgiꙆȮiW1ceX嚼jb4çҽ.֭.ghd5xSfgfX. jiKkq{u:Tr_">|&#.SU*C`C4P{T6y,[yB:S(^zBoU -߯{~mWBcaTӏ.}xE٧5%Zk6bQ+EE\}~)W~qΓoTШۮ]ZF+תvW/N%I(ԼJZzmc`|d*^PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!u>itheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  T8 *[UE_b  dMbP?_*+%'$&C&14EDC Minutes for August 31, 2021&?'?(?)?M\\it1\04_2465_1_Copier - ColorU߁ odLetterCanonZ` &Canon iR-ADV C5250/5255 UFR IIddd      d d d d dd    dd@@d  d  d dd d""eddd      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEd"    @  !"#$%&'()*+,-d.d/d0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"PQRd     d !"#$%&d!dddd!      d  ddd@8 o 22= o 22= dd Arial\CNZSRGBC.ICC\CNZSRGBC.ICC\CNZSRGBC.ICCCONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIALHArialDefault SettingsX d     #$%&"d??& U} I?}  ?} $ ?} $!?} +?} I?*@=@J@=@ @@@@J@ J@ J@ k@ J@ J@k@k@k@J@J@J@J@@@@@@k@k@@@@@ > > > > > @ A B B @ A B B B @ A B B @ A B B @ A B B @ A B B @ A B B @ A B @ A B @ A B B @ A B B @ A B B @ A B @ A B" B! @ A B$ B# @ A B& B% @ A B' B( @ A B) B* @ A B+ B, @ A B- B. @/ A B0 B1 @/ A B2 B3 @/ A B4 B5 @/ A B6 B7 @/ A B8 B9 @/ A B: B; @/ A B< B= @/ A B> B? @/ A B@ BA @/ A BB BC @/ A BD BEDr lF8F88888**888*88888888888888888 @!@"@#k@$@%@&@'@(@)@ @/ A BF BG !@/ !A !BH !BI "@/ "A "BJ "BK #@/ #A #BM #B; #BL $@/ $A $BN $BO %@/ %A %BP %BQ &@/ &A &BR &BS '@/ 'A 'BT 'BU (@/ (A (BW (BS (BV )@/ )A )BX )BY888F8888F>@'d@:H/ OcC&>d@=( '$&C&14EDC Minutes for August 31, 2021&?'?(?)?M\\it1\04_2465_1_Copier - ColorU߁ odLetterCanonZ` &Canon iR-ADV C5250/5255 UFR IIddd      d d d d dd    dd@@d  d  d dd d""eddd      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEd"    @  !"#$%&'()*+,-d.d/d0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"PQRd     d !"#$%&d!dddd!      d  ddd@8 o 22= o 22= dd Arial\CNZSRGBC.ICC\CNZSRGBC.ICC\CNZSRGBC.ICCCONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIALHArialDefault SettingsX d     #$%&"d??&:H/ OcC&> IggD 2  , Pinedo, Irene Oh+'0HPh Pinedo, IrenePinedo, IreneMicrosoft Excel@CO@@ ՜.+,0HP X`hp x   Minutes1  Worksheets  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:<=>?@ABDEFGHIJLMNOPQRURoot Entry FpWorkbooktRevision Log;SummaryInformation(CDocumentSummaryInformation8K