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Step 1: Complete OpenCCC Application

Apply to Mt. SACOPENCCC Application

When selecting your Citizenship in Open CCCApply, select "STUDENT VISA (F-1)" regardless of your current status.

Step 2: Access Mt. SAC Student Portal

Portal Icon Picture

Print: How to complete the F-1 International Student Application instructions

Claim your Student Account.

  • Go to the Mt. SAC “Student Account Claim” page://
  • Select “New Student” and enter your assigned User Name. Click “Submit” to continue.
  • 根据您的openCCC应用程序用星号(*)回答所有问题。点击“提交”继续。
  • Copy the Claim Code or write it down (case-sensitive). Click “Login” to continue.
  • Enter your User Name and Claim Code for the password. Click “Login” to continue.
  • Enter your User Name and create a new password. For future logins, you will use the password you create. Click “Submit” to continue.
  • "Password change status” confirms your new password. Click to continue and log in to your portal.

steps to apply 1

Step 3: Complete F-1 International Student Application

Step 3 Icon

Access the F-1 International Student Application.

  • Log in to your portal. To navigate back to the log in page, click the “Portal Login” link located on the
    red menu barof the Mt. SAC homepage://, right corner).
  • Click the “Student” tab at on black menu bar in your portal (top, left corner).
  • Find the “F-1 International Student Checklist” and click the link to the “F-1 International Application”.
  • Enter your portal User Name and password. Click “Log In” to continue.
  • Follow directions to answer questions and upload documents. Remember to save any changes and
    submit when completed.

Steps to Apply 2