Contact the Counseling department at Mt. SAC

How to Schedule a Counseling Appointment

  • OPTION 1:Visit us in person. Counseling Department,9-B Second Floor
  • OPTION 2:Call(909) 274-4380(A Mt. SAC student ID is needed to schedule an in-person or by phone appointment)
  • OPTION 3:Schedule a远程预约(over-the-phone)online
  • OPTION 4:Schedule avideo online counselingappointment online (A computer with a camera and microphone is required)

What you will need to schedule a counseling appointment

  • Mt. SAC Student ID A00000000
  • Portal Username and Password (Ex: jmountie/12345)
  • Please note that if you schedule an in-person appointment you will need to show proof of vaccination before the appointment begins.

Another way to contact a counselor