
MARCS PoliciesPolicy

The purpose of the MARCS is to provide a positive place where math can be discussed and investigated so that learning may be achieved, and to provide support through various means such as tutoring, computer tutorials, videos and computer software so that students may succeed in their math classes.
To use the MARCS:
  • Students must be currently enrolled in a Mt. SAC Math Class
  • Students must be registered to attend the lab. Registration is open all semester and is free.Students may register for the MARCS by following the directions found here.
  • Students must be clocked into the facility using your current Mt. SAC Student ID card. A current Mt. SAC ID card is required to use the lab.
  • 学生必须学习与他们目前在Mt. SAC注册的数学课(es)有关的数学。MARCS不允许为其他课程做作业。
Computer Use and Printing Policy:
  • Only Mathematics and Computer Science course-related materials are allowed to be printed in the lab. Printing is free of charge for students.
  • All printing is double-sided. Please print no more than 20 pages at a time so that each print job can be processed in a timely manner.
  • 在线教科书不允许印刷。
  • Students should not install any software or alter any computer settings on any computer in the lab.
  • The computers are only for use to support your current Mt. SAC Math or CSCI course. Lab attendants reserve the right to view your assignments and will do so periodically.
General Policy:
  • Snack food is allowed, and drinks that can be sealed are allowed.
  • Phones calls are to be taken or received outside the lab. Cell phones are to be on vibrate or very low tone. Texting, scheduling, etc. may be done in a limited manner provided that your primary focus and task is working on math.
  • Noise related to math is encouraged.
  • Groups or individuals working at white boards is encouraged.
  • 通过耳机听音乐是允许的,但音乐的音量不要大到让所有人都能听到。
  • Short breaks after working may be taken without clocking out. Extended breaks (over 10 minutes) or repeated breaks must be taken after clocking out.
Failure to comply with the rules or directions from a staff member can result in loss of borrowing or use of facility privileges.