
Student Life

Student Life Office LogoWelcometo Student Life where students go for information on how to get engaged and build community. Student Life supports and develops global minded and ethical leaders who are committed to serving their communities.

Cultivate ethical leaders.

Promote student responsibility, inclusion, advocacy, and engagement. Supports co-curricular involvement, enhance civic engagement, nurture appreciation of diversity, and ensure due process.

Important Links:
Associated StudentsRecognized Student Clubs & Organizations (RSCO's)
Campus Event CalendarLEAD Workshop Calendar & Attendance RecordsActivities Transcript

Contact Us

Follow Us

  • Phone:909.274.4525

    Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    Closed on Fridays during the Summer
    Hours are subject to Change

    Building 9C – Student Life Center

      • Fall Leadership Conference Applications Open

        October 14-16, 2022

        Join Student Life and Associated Students in a Mt. SAC tradition! 3 day, 2 night experience, where we explore leadership identity, team dynamics, diversity, and environmental consciousness.

        All students who have paid the Student Activities Fee have an opportunity to apply to this leadership conference. Transportation, housing, and meals are provided. Space is limited. Applications and eligibility required.


        1. Current semester Student Activities Fee paid.
        2. 2.0 cumulative MT. SAC GPA or 1st semester student
        3. Currently enrolled in minimum of 5 credit units.
        4. No disciplinary record with the College.

        Please visit theAssociated Students Websiteto applyTODAY!

      • Blood Drive

        August 30th & 31st, 2022

        *All donors will receive a $10 e-gift card of choice and achance一年6K的价格!

        Appointments Preferred, Walk-Ins Welcomed!
        Sponsor Code: MTSAC

      • A.S. Visibility & Advocacy

        有一个主意吗?联合学生(A.S.)是所有Mt. SAC相关问题的官方学生声音。美国学生协会的三个不同分支机构,以及国际俱乐部理事会和委员会成员都在扩大学生的声音。想知道更多关于A.S.的事吗?你想参与吗?点击我们的能见度事件,获取更多信息和赠品!

        September 7, 2022
        Kerr's Corner
        11am-1pm & 3pm-5pm

        September 8, 2022
        26 Quad
        11am-1pm & 3pm-5pm

      • Pizza with the President

        Pizza with the President Logo

        Are you wanting to meet the CEO/President of Mt. SAC? Aside from Dr. Scroggins office hours, he and Associated Students host a lunch event where a small group of students can meet him in a smaller more relaxed setting. Get to know more about Dr. Scroggins leadership journey and have the ability to ask him about college related issues.

        Sign-Up Here

        Space is limited! Use the link above and complete the reservation and to view upcoming dates and times.