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Associated Students

Group Picture of 2021-2022 Associated Student Body
    • Who We Are


      Empower every student to grow and advocate for their community!


      Associated Students of Mt. San Antonio College is a student led organization, which strives to enrich student success through leadership development and personal growth opportunities. We unite, motivate, and empower our students and community while fostering and promoting advocacy for the student body.


      Associated Students supports the development of the student body through the following priorities:

      1. Co-Curricular Engagement
      2. Leadership Development
      3. Retention & Transfer
      4. Recognition of Service
      5. Civic Engagement & Advocacy
    • Fee Information

      Student Activities Fee

      What is the Student Activities Fee? -The $11 Student Activity Fee allows your student government to provide scholarships, leadership opportunities, cultural events, discounted tickets, funding for student events and many otherco-curricular programs and services for students.Some of the benefits students receive by paying the Student Activities Fee are:

      • Free admission & free food at all A.S. events throughout the semester: A.S. Visibility, Athletics Fair, Finals Frenzy, New Student Welcome, & Pizza with the President, & more!
      • Free trips to universities tours
      • Free access to check-out games and equipment in the Student Life Center
      • Eligibility to apply for A.S. scholarships
      • Eligibility to purchase Discounted tickets (available at the BookRac-Mid September 2021)
      • Eligibility to apply for Leadership Conferences
      • Eligibility to vote in Mt. SAC Student Body Elections & hold an A.S. Officer position
      • Eligibility to hold an officer position in a campus club

      Student Representation Fee - $2 per semester (Fall/Spring)

      The $2 Student Representation Fee, mandated by Assembly Bill (AB) 1504, provides support for student government representatives who may be presenting positions and viewpoints to representatives, offices, and agencies of local, district, and state governments.

      费用分成两部分,1美元给圣安东尼奥山学院的联合学生,1美元给加州社区学院学生委员会使用。世界杯英格兰队vs德国队水位例如,这笔费用支持送学生去萨克拉门托或华盛顿特区,以倡导解决加州社区学院学生面临的问题,并游说获得足够的学费和服务。For more information about this fee visit ourFAQ.

    • 今天就申请成为参议员或学生法庭法官吧!

      Applications Due May 9, 2022


      Please review theOrganizational Directivefor Senator position descriptions.In addition to A.S. Officer eligibility requirements, Senatorsmust be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm - 5pmduring both semesters (Fall and Spring) plus additional mandatory trainings scheduled during the Summer and Winter intercessions. After applying, you will receive follow up email correspondence from the A.S. Administrative Specialist. Please note, attendance to a Senate interview via Zoom is mandatory. Interviews will be held on Tuesday, May 17th, 2021, and Thursday, May 19th, 2021, at the Senate Meetings from 3pm - 4:30pm.

      Apply by

      The following positions are available for the 2022-2023 academic year:

      1. Academic
      2. Activities #1
      3. Activities #2
      4. Arts
      5. Athletics
      6. Campus Community
      7. Cross Cultural
      8. Elections
      9. Environmental
      10. Faculty Relations
      11. Finance
      12. Inter Club Council
      13. Political
      14. Publicity
      15. Student Services

      Student Court

      Please review theJudicial Directivefor the Justice position description.In addition to A.S. Officer eligibility requirements, Justicesmust be available every Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pmplus additional mandatory trainings scheduled during the Summer and Winter intercessions.

      Apply to be a Senator or Student Court Officer


    • Inspiring Women Nominations Nominations Closed

      Inspiring Women 2022 Logo

      Nomination for the 2022, Inspiring Women are closed. This year's theme is, "Providing Healing, Promoting Hope," themes are selected by the National Women's History Alliance. Please stay tuned for the announcement of this year's recipients.

    • Pizza with the President

      Pizza with the President Logo

      Are you wanting to meet the CEO/President of Mt. SAC? Aside from Dr. Scroggins office hours, he and Associated Students host a lunch event where a small group of students can meet him in a smaller more relaxed setting. Get to know more about Dr. Scroggin's leadership journey and have the ability to ask him about college related issues.

      Sign-Up Here

      Space is limited! Use the link above and complete the reservation and to view upcoming dates and times.

    • Educators of Distinction Nominations Nominations due Friday, April 1st

      Image for Educations of Distinction

      An Educator of Distinction is a Mt. SAC faculty, staff, or manager nominated by a student who believes this person has made a positive impact on their education, provided influence in their lives, and motivated them to realize their goals.

      Selected Educators of Distinction will be honored at the Students & Educators of Distinction Ceremony on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

      If you would like to nominate an educator, please use the link below.

      Nominate An Educator Here

    • Mt. SAC's Got Talent

      Mt. SAC's Got Talent

      我们的第二季Mt. SAC的达人秀将在5月18日中午通过Zoom。登录,观看你的同学表演,观看嘉宾评委对表演的评论和反应。观众将投票选出第一名、第二名和第三名。观众还将通过邮寄或领取方式收到一个灵包。请在下方报名参加活动!

      Register Here

      Want to be a contestant?

      Please read through and ensure you are able to follow these guidelines:

      • Original talents may include (but not limited to) singing, dancing, musicians, jugglers, magicians, etc. NO LIP SINGING (unless it is part of a theatrical performance)
      • Sample recording must be 1 minute maximum
      • All performances will be screened for appropriateness by the Talent Show Committee. Absolutely no profanity, violence or insensitive subject matter will be permitted. The Talent Show Committee reserves the right to disqualify any acts that contain inappropriate material.
      • Must abide by Mt. SAC student standard of conduct (CLICK HERE TO VIEW)
      • Make sure video and sound quality are clear
      • Sample submissions due no later than Friday, April 1, 2022 to Jessica Valdez (

      The talent show committee will select the top submissions. These performances will be showcased at the Mt. SAC Talent Show via Zoom on Wednesday May 18th at noon. Audience members will select the winners.

      1st Place: $300 Prize Package

      2nd Place: $200 Prize Package

      3rd Place: $100 Prize Package

      *Please note ONLY registered Mt. SAC students are eligible for prizes

      Please email Jessica Valdez ( with any questions. We look forward to your submission.

      Good Luck,

      The Mt. SAC Talent Show Committee

Get Engaged. Build Community.

Associated Students conduct a series of public meetings. Please join us at one of the meetings below. Agendas are posted and you are more than welcomed to attend and speak during open forum/public comment.,please inform the chair of each meeting that you would like to speak.

Click a link below to find out more information

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