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Citizens' Oversight Committee Groundbreaking ceremony for Gateway Parking Structure

Gateway Parking Structure

Measure RR and Measure GO
2020 Citizens' Oversight Committee

Per Proposition 39, the Mt. San Antonio College Citizens' Oversight Committee is principally charged with ensuring the proper expenditure of bond funding for campus construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of campus facilities, and informing the public concerning the expenditure of bond proceeds. Members are appointed by the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees and represent various sectors of the community including businesses, seniors, taxpayers, students, and an advisory body or Foundation of the College.

Business/Community Representatives
  • Brian Bowcock(La Verne) - Business/Senior Citizens/At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Patti Latourelle(La Verne) - At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Sharon Lu(Walnut) - At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Drexel Smith(West Covina) - Business Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Fredrick Sykes(West Covina) - At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Garrett Terrones(La Puente) - At-Large Representative( Appointed April 2019; Reappointed April 2021)
  • Tony Torng(Diamond Bar) - At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Scarlet Treu(Hacienda Heights) - At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
  • Vijay Vakil(Walnut) - At-Large Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
Senior Citizens' Organization Representative
  • Robert Carder(La Verne) - Senior Citizens' Organization Representative(2019年4月任命;重新任命自2021年4月)
Taxpayer Association Representative
  • Michael Lewis(Hacienda Heights), Owner, Lewis Associates, LLC; Member, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (Appointed January 2018; Reappointed January 2020; Reappointed January 2022)

Student Organization Representative
  • Valerie Menna-Associated Students (Appointed October 2022)

College Advisory Council or Foundation Representative
  • Christopher Haddow(Duarte), Bank of the West (Appointed January 2020; Reappointed January 2022)