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Salute Ceremony Photo 1 Salute Ceremony Photo 2 SALUTE Ceremony Advisors

S.A.L.U.T.E. National Honor Society



SALUTE was formed in 2009 by the Colorado State University Veterans Office thanks to a grant by the American Council of Education and Wal-Mart Foundation. Each chapter symbolizes not only the collective achievement of veterans bettering themselves through the pursuit of knowledge, but also our commitment as a group to honor those among us that are the tip of the spear across the nation.
We are continuing our history and the success of student leaders by sanctioning them to continue to serve. Each scholar will forever be members of our society and be the role models for the student veterans that follow them. They have a duty going forward for making this honor society, and their local chapter, something that promotes achievement by all student veterans now and in the future. We are proud to announce that SALUTE inducts new members into our ranks from active student bodies every semester. This tremendous growth of our society shows the dedication of our military and veteran population when it comes to academics, and our students are recognized and honored at ceremonies across the nation from all of our active chapters!

Minimum Criteria for Permanent Membership:

  • Currently enrolled in Mt. SAC coursework
  • Honorably discharged U.S. Veteran or in active reserve with any branch of the military
  • Completed 12 or more units of letter-graded coursework at Mt. SAC with a minimum cum GPA of 3.0

Membership Levels:

  • ALPHA LEVEL: 3.76 – 4.00
  • BRAVO LEVEL: 3.51 – 3.75
  • CHARLIE LEVEL: 3.26 – 3.5
  • DELTA LEVEL: 3.00 – 3.25